ABC of the Horse: A Handbook of Equine Anatomy, Biomechanics, and Conditioning Gronberg, Pauli
ABC of the Horse: A Handbook of Equine Anatomy, Biomechanics, and Conditioning Gronberg, Pauli
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The extensive anatomical section contains a wealth of information on the skeleton, ligaments, and muscles. The Latin and English nomenclature is complemented by unique full-colour illustrations which clarify the position and relationships of anatomical structures. The approach of the author is that of a seasoned physical therapist who is deeply worried about the present state of equine care and the lot of horses in general. A great deal of attention is therefore given to clinical examination of the horse and the treatment of its injuries by various physiotherapeutic methods including manipulation, massage, stretching, and acupressure. The author stresses that in treating injuries the equine physical therapist should always work in close collaboration with the veterinary surgeon. Gronberg, who has secured several patents for inventions relating to the horse's harness and equine care, also gives valuable advice regarding shoeing and training, and the proper equipment.
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- Direkt vom Händler
- 14-Tage Rückgabe
- Sichere Verpackung