Calligraffiti: The Graphic Art of Shoe, FROM HERE TO FAME Publishing, Adam Eeuwens, Niels SHOE Meulmann, John Langdon
Calligraffiti: The Graphic Art of Shoe, FROM HERE TO FAME Publishing, Adam Eeuwens, Niels SHOE Meulmann, John Langdon
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Artist Niels "Shoe" Meulman explores the contours of words as images in "Calligraffiti" - his hybrid art form which blends calligraphy and graffiti. This impressive publication showcases a selection of graphic and typographic works by Niels Meulman in a unique manner; every spread presents two interacting visuals. This interplay of contrasts, such as "idea-execution" or "rise-fall", makes this volume much more than a collection of the artist's best work; it unveils the basis of all graphic art. The book includes an essay by esteemed writer Adam Eeuwens tracing Meulman's creative progression, as well as a foreword by the highly regarded symbologist and ambigram specialist John Langdon and witticisms from Meulman himself sprinkled throughout.
Publikations Jahr: 2010
Seiten: 144
Bindung: Gebundene Ausgabe
Herausgeber: From Here To Fame Publishing
ISBN: 3937946217
Rechtlicher Hinweis: Alle hier verkauften Drucksachen sind im Sinne vom BuchPrG (§3 Preisbindung) gebrauchte Bücher.
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