Cloud Charts: Trading Success with the Ichimoku Technique Linton, David Beckett
Cloud Charts: Trading Success with the Ichimoku Technique Linton, David Beckett
Niedriger Lagerbestand: 4 verbleibend
Cloud Charts teaches you all about the Ichimoku technique originally from Japan and now used by traders all over the world. The book is the first major work in English on the technique and covers everything you need to know to trade with Ichimoku effectively. Cloud Charts comes with full introductory summary to the most useful technical analysis techniques and how to apply them with Cloud Charts. The book covers many groundbreaking ideas including multiple timeframe analysis, combining clouds and other techniques, backtesting and trading strategies.
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Produktsicherheitsverordnung / Produktinformationen
Kontaktdaten des Herstellers:
Warnhinweise und Sicherheitsinformationen:
- Direkt vom Händler
- 14-Tage Rückgabe
- Sichere Verpackung