Jock Sturges: Notes, Jock Sturges
Jock Sturges: Notes, Jock Sturges
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€119,99 EUR
Normaler Preis
€119,99 EUR
Niedriger Lagerbestand: 3 verbleibend
Jahr: 2005
Seiten: 96
"Jock Sturges: Notes" gives fans of his unforgettable images a glimpse behind the scenes of his working process, opening up his studio and notes to the viewer for the very first time. A selection of preparatory studies, shot as Polaroids, accompanies the finished works included here--offering visual testimony to the complex process and inspiration that underlies each of the gorgeous images his audience has come to love and admire.
Publikations Jahr: 2005
Seiten: 96
Bindung: Hardcover
Sprache: Englisch
Herausgeber: Aperture
ISBN: 1931788472
Gewicht: 742.0 g
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