Private Pornography in the Third Reich (Erotic Photography), Goliath Verlag, Hans von Bockhain
Private Pornography in the Third Reich (Erotic Photography), Goliath Verlag, Hans von Bockhain
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€84,99 EUR
Normaler Preis
€84,99 EUR
Niedriger Lagerbestand: 3 verbleibend
Jahr: 2014
Seiten: 224
Sex in the Third Reich: this subject is bound to raise wild speculation. What happened behind closed doors of a nation whose regime broke all taboos? Two hundred private pornographic photographs, almost all from one private collection which survived the most adverse conditions, provide ruthless testimony of the high time when those pictures were still sensational and daring, coquettish and provoking, hot but most of all: prohibited. A sensational look behind the curtains of a of an anti-lust period, where sexuality blossomed more in hidden privacy, unless one belonged to the powers that ruled.
Publikations Jahr: 2014
Seiten: 224
Bindung: Taschenbuch
Sprache: Englisch
Herausgeber: Goliath
ISBN: 3936709645
Gewicht: 354.0 g
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