Soviet Tactical Aviation, Yefim Gordon, Dmitriy Komissarov
Soviet Tactical Aviation, Yefim Gordon, Dmitriy Komissarov
Normaler Preis
€189,00 EUR
Normaler Preis
€189,00 EUR
Niedriger Lagerbestand: 1 verbleibend
Jahr: 2011
Seiten: 356
At its height during the Cold War, Soviet tactical aviation was a large force of fighter, bomber, and attack air regiments with a high degree of readiness - many units stationed outside the Soviet Union saw actual combat. But, even as progressively more refined jet aircraft came into service - Yak-23, MiG-17 fighters and IL-28 tactical bombers, the attack aviation units still flew outdated IL-10 piston-engined aircraft well into the 1950s. Soviet pilots in combat over the People's Republic of China, North Korea, and Cuba, and their role in Eastern Europe combine with more than 500 color photographs, 50 color profiles, details of units, and insignia to give an in-depth look at this important era.
Publikations Jahr: 2011
Seiten: 356
Bindung: Hardcover
Sprache: Englisch
Herausgeber: Hikoki Publications
ISBN: 1902109236
Gewicht: 1642.0 g
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